Curriculum Approach

At Rendell our intent is to deliver a rich and engaging curriculum which instills a passion for innovation and creativity in our pupils.  We want our learners to become confident, articulate individuals who are well prepared for the next stage of their education.  Developing an awareness of self, our learners will also begin to understand their place and role in a global community.

Implementation will be achieved through the planning and delivery of a comprehensive curriculum that has an overall thematic approach.  Individual subject specialisms will be taught where it is appropriate, or will sometimes stand alone.  We use Read, Write, Inc as our phonics scheme and teach English through the Novel ApproachWhite Rose is used as the basis for teaching mathematics across school.  Active and blended learning will be tools used to facilitate opportunities and build independence.  PSHE is taught using JIGSAW planning and resources - more information about JIGSAW can be found here:  Learning will be enriched with a range of experiences through visits out of school or visitors coming in to school.  

We will use a range of strategies to drive oracy across the curriculum as the main vehicle to build confident articulate children. There will be opportunities for pupils to engage in a range of STEAM based activities to open their minds to innovation and creativity, reflecting the strengths of Loughborough as a town.   

Pupil voice will drive the provision for a range of opportunities for children to engage in extra-curricular activities and action groups such as School MPs and Restorative Justice.  Being a rich multicultural school, we will weave opportunities for global citizenship with a particular focus on UNICEF’s 17 Global GoalsRendell’s Rainbow Virtues will be used as the vehicle to foster character development, self awareness as a learner and develop meta-cognition. 

We will assess the impact of our curriculum through standards achieved in national tests demonstrating outcomes above average for all pupils and at least in line with average for disadvantaged pupils.  Children will have the skills and knowledge to transfer to the next stage of learning.  Pupils will have positive attitudes and behaviour, enjoy coming to school and be proud of the contributions they make and their own achievements.

Religious Education

Discovery RE forms the basis of our RE curriculum at Rendell. This has been carefully adapted to meet the requirements of our Local Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, developed by Leicestershire SACRE. Across school, religions selected for study follow the guidance in both Discovery RE and the Agreed Syllabus as well as taking into account the demographics within our school community. 

In EYFS, children will encounter Christianity and other faiths, as part of their growing sense of self and their community. In KS1, children will deepen their understanding of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. In KS2, children will develop their understanding further and will start to explore Hinduism and Sikhism. 

This allows children to grasp the concept of a multi-religious world and gain an accurate knowledge about the diversity of religious and non-religious world views. The curriculum also considers diversity within a religion and makes space for children's own world views.

You can find out more about our curriculum by looking at the 'Classes' and 'Curriculum' pages on our website or by arranging a meeting to come in to school and talk to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.