Emotionally Literate Curriculum

At Rendell we believe that learners’ spiritual, emotional and cultural, health and well-being are as important as their academic progress. We pride ourselves on the wide range of curriculum opportunities, strategies and approaches that we employ in order to ensure our learners are prepared for the next phase of their educational career and for life in general. In order to achieve this, we use a variety of schemes and approaches to support the planning and delivery of:
• Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
• Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education (SMSC)
• Growth Mindset and Resilience
• Emotion Coaching
• Mental Health and Well-being
• British values

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) trained staff provide an additional strand of personalised coaching for individuals and small groups to promote emotional well-being.

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“Jigsaw PSHE brings together personal, social, health and economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a lesson-a-week programme.  Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6... Jigsaw is a mindful approach to PSHE...(it) aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.  Jigsaw: 2018

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural

At Rendell we believe that the teaching of values and ensuring learners have a good understanding of their responsibility within our community and wider society is crucial. We place value on teaching children about their rights and responsibilities in school and their community, the moral dilemmas and decisions that they may be faced with in their lives and giving them opportunities to learn about and understand their place in the world. We believe that learners grow from a sense of belonging and a feeling of ‘knowing who they are’, we support the teaching of respecting others’ beliefs and religions and provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for learners to explore their own ideas and beliefs and sense of self.

Mental Health and Well-being

Mental health is defined as:
‘A state of wellbeing in which every individual recognises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community.’ (World Health Organisation)  Mental health refers to our cognitive, behavioural and emotional well-being. It is all about how we think, feel and behave.
Well-being is defined as:
‘The state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.’ (Oxford English Dictionary)  However, it is important to realise that well-being is a much broader concept. This includes other things, such as how satisfied people are with their lives, their sense of purpose and how in control they feel.  Rendell School has a central role to play in enabling our pupils to be resilient, as part of an integrated, whole school approach, to foster and support good mental health and well-being. This whole school approach goes beyond the teaching in the classroom and is promoted through the ethos and environment of the school. All individuals are valued and respected and the school is a safe and calm place for the children, where they can develop a sense of belonging, are supported in understanding their feelings and feel able to trust and talk openly with adults about any problems. The children are surrounded by adults who model positive and appropriate behaviours, interactions and ways of relating at all times.

Rendell Rainbow Virtues:


These are the focus of our awards assemblies, where the children’s achievements, academic and non-academic are celebrated. For outstanding achievements children are placed on our Rendell Rainbow.

The Rendell Virtues are not only a focus for learning in the classroom, but they shape the whole ethos of the school. They foster the calm, caring and safe environment we strive for, to support children in effectively managing the normal stress of life.