Welcome to Year 1

Welcome back to school Year 1. We hope you had a fantastic summer and are ready for an exciting year of learning ahead. We have lots of fun learning opportunities planned for you throughout the year and we are looking forward to getting to know you all.

Please remember to bring your bookbag each day, with your reading books inside. You will take home two reading books each week and these will usually be swapped at the beginning of each week. It's really important that you practice reading your book every day at home. You should also have your spelling book and a Read Write Inc book in your bookbag. Every Friday, you will be given a new Read Write Inc book and new spellings. You will have a test on a Friday for the spellings from the previous week.

Please also remember to bring a named water bottle with you.

PE days for both classes are Mondays (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor). 

On these days, you should come to school dressed in your PE kit which you will stay in all day.

If you have any questions, then please ask one of us.

Welcome to Year 1


Unit Pathways

This is Me!

It's a bit crafty!

What a Wonderful World!

God Save the Bee!



This is Me Homework

It's Abit Crafty Homework

What a Wonderful World Homework

God Save the Bee Homework



Each week you will be given new spellings to learn in your green spelling book. We will have a spelling test every Friday. Please practice your spellings regularly throughout the week. These will be specific to your phonics group.


For Phonics information and support, please visit the Phonics section in the Parents section of our school website.

















Staying Safe Online

Please use these 2 links to find out how you can help your children stay safe on the internet.

The first link gives you advice and the second link is an activity you can do.

Internet Safety Parent Advice

Internet Safety Activity

Childline - 0800 1111, https://www.childline.org.uk/

Staying Healthy

Please have a look at this fantastic booklet. It is all about keeping healthy, both physcially and mentally! It has lots of practical ideas and activities to try. Enjoy!

Health for Kids - Looking after yourself kit

100 Fun Things To Do

We have attached a document containing lots of fun ideas that you can do at home to keep busy. There are 100 different activities to have a go at so there is plenty to do if you are stuck for ideas. What will you choose to do? 

100 Fun Things To Do

Below are a list of websites that offer some alternative ideas for reading at home. They are all free to access.