Welcome to Year 1

Welcome back to school Year 1. We hope you had a fantastic summer and are ready for an exciting year of learning ahead. We have lots of fun learning opportunities planned for you throughout the year and we are looking forward to getting to know you all.

Please remember to bring your bookbag each day, with your reading books inside. You will take home two reading books each week and these will usually be swapped at the beginning of each week. It's really important that you practice reading your book every day at home. You should also have your spelling book and a Read Write Inc book in your bookbag. Every Friday, you will be given a new Read Write Inc book and new spellings. You will have a test on a Friday for the spellings from the previous week.

Please also remember to bring a named water bottle with you.

PE days for 1EH are Wednesdays (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoor). 

PE days for 1AA are Thursdays (indoor) and Fridays (outdoor).

On these days, you should come to school dressed in your PE kit which you will stay in all day.

If you have any questions, then please ask one of us.

Welcome to Year 1


Unit Pathways

This is Me!

It's a bit crafty!

What a Wonderful World!

God Save the Bee!



This is Me Homework

It's Abit Crafty Homework

What a Wonderful World Homework

God Save the Bee Homework



Each week you will be given new spellings to learn in your green spelling book. We will have a spelling test every Friday. Please practice your spellings regularly throughout the week. These will be specific to your phonics group.


For Phonics information and support, please visit the Phonics section in the Parents section of our school website.


World Book Day 

We had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day, we shared stories with our friends, made bookmarks and wrote book reviews. All the children looked great in their costumes!


15.02.24- Science

Today we learnt all about how hibernating animals prepare for hibernation during the autumn season. We discussed the different types of dens animals make to protect themselves from the elements and also from other animals. We had a great time building dens!


12.02.24- Geography

We have enjoyed listening to and learning about the story Handa's Surprise, we discussed the fruits Handa put in her basket and whether these fruits can grow in the UK.  Most importantly, we enjoyed trying a range of fruits such as, mangoes, guava, dragon fruit, avocado, pineapple, banana, oranges and passion fruit. 


Christmas week

This week we have really enjoyed a variety of Christmas themed activities, we've made cards for friends and family, created winter pictures and completed seasonal maths challenges. We've also been very busy creating items to sell at our market. 


It's a bit crafty!

We have absolutely loved this unit of work! We have enjoyed learning about a range of artists such as Henri Matisse, Derek Gores, Andy Warhol and Judith Scott. We have explored a range of new skills such as weaving, collaging, sculpting and printing, it has been a crafty few weeks!

The Snail by Henri Matisse

Printing- Messy day 

Printing- Andy Warhol



Science- Objects and materials



Geography- Local area



Science- How your nose smells


Computing- Digital Painting 

Today we developed our understanding of the available paint tools on the iPad, and we selected the best tools to create a digital painting in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. The finished digital paintings were impressive!



Science- Tongue and Taste
Today we were brave to explore various flavours of food and identified where different taste buds are located. We tasted bitter, sour, salty and sweet foods and we had lots of fun!


Science- Ears and Hearing 



Art- Sketching self-portraits

We have had a fantastic afternoon sketching our self-portraits! We began by sketching a practice portrait using guidelines to show us where our facial features should go, followed by sketching without guides. We used varied pencil pressure to add detail and we used a mirror to ensure we use the right shapes for our features. The end results were impressive!




Maths Investigation- Counting on





Maths Investigation- Sorting Numbers 



First week in Year 1

We have had a fantastic first full week in Year 1! We have explored a range of activities linked to our weeks learning, both indoors and outdoors. We've had lots of fun playing during continuous provision as well as working at tables as a whole class. What a great week it has been!




Staying Safe Online

Please use these 2 links to find out how you can help your children stay safe on the internet.

The first link gives you advice and the second link is an activity you can do.

Internet Safety Parent Advice

Internet Safety Activity

Childline - 0800 1111, https://www.childline.org.uk/

Staying Healthy

Please have a look at this fantastic booklet. It is all about keeping healthy, both physcially and mentally! It has lots of practical ideas and activities to try. Enjoy!

Health for Kids - Looking after yourself kit

100 Fun Things To Do

We have attached a document containing lots of fun ideas that you can do at home to keep busy. There are 100 different activities to have a go at so there is plenty to do if you are stuck for ideas. What will you choose to do? 

100 Fun Things To Do

Below are a list of websites that offer some alternative ideas for reading at home. They are all free to access.