Notices Please remember to bring your bookbag each day, with your reading book inside. Please also remember a named water bottle. As you know we go swimming in Year 5. Please remember that we walk to the Leisure Centre whatever the weather so please make sure that you look at the forecast for the day and make sure that you have a coat and appropriate footwear to walk in. Hats, scarves and gloves will definitely be needed for the colder months! 5KL will be swimming on Mondays for the first half of the school year. 5KL will also have indoor P.E. on Thursdays so please come to school in your P.E. uniform on those days. 5PB will not be swimming until the second half of the school year. 5PB will have outdoor P.E. on Mondays and indoor P.E. on Thursdays so please come to school in your P.E uniform on those days. Please ensure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes for outdoor P.E. sessions. |
Homework Grids |
Topic Pathways |
Alan Peat Sentences Please refer to the attachment below and use the different types of sentences to enhance your writing. |
Year 5 Reading Spine Regular reading is so important. Please have a look at the Year 5 Reading Spine which shows you some of the books and authors recommended for Year 5 readers. Many of these books will be available at our school library. If not, you may be able to borrow them from Loughborough Library. |
Spelling Autumn 1 This year we are introducing a new spelling teaching scheme called Sounds and Syllables. This half term we will be studying following spelling patterns: -words with /oo/ and /yoo/ spelled <eu> - words with /ee/ spelled <ei> and <ie> - words with /w/ spelled <u> - words with /r/ spelled <rh> and <wr> - words with /k/+/s/ spelled <cc> and <xc> |
Spelling Autumn 2 This half term we will be studying following spelling patterns : - words ending with /n/ spelled <gn> - words ending with <re> - words ending with <the> - words ending with <i+ consonant+e: in which /i/ is spelled <i> - words ending with <ine> in which /ee/ is spelled <i> -words beginning with <fore> |
Science WC 3.2.25 Measuring distances between planets- today we went outside to see( in proportion) how vast the Solar System is. We dont think you can even see the Sun from Neptune!
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Fire and Rescue Visit 28.1.25 Today we had a fantastic opportunity to learn about fire safety. Michael, the firefighter helped us develop our understanding of fire safety and provided some invaluable survival skills in the event of fire. We now know how to plan an escape route and test smoke alarms. Further information and follow up activities can be accessed at
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English WC 20.1.25 This week we discussed what themes were covered in the Rainplayer. We then used the discussion and zone of relevance to help us write a short review of the book.
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National Space Centre Trip 16.1.25
Jigsaw WC 6.1.25 This week, during our Dreams and Goals unit lesson, we discussed what aspirations are and discussed different jobs and careers. We listed some jobs in order from the most to the least important. We then looked at our lists and checked how much people in these jobs earned. Most of us agreed, that fotballers and singers can be hugely overpaid. |
Christmas Fair WC 16.12.24
Science WC 9.12.24 As part of our unit on Properties of materials we have investigated materials that are insulators. Surprisingly both classess conducted the same experiment but got different results.
Topic WC 2.12.24 This week we started to create our Mayan masks . We based them on the fantastic designs we produced earlier. Some look truly scary.
English WC 25.11.24 This week we had a chance to recreate the illustriations from our class nove, Rainplayer by David Wisniewski. His intricate illustrations are created with layered paper.
Wonderdome Mobile Planetarium Tuesday 19.11.24 What an incredible experience! Surrounded by the dark space, we got to learn facts about the Solar System and Space exploration . It will be very useful in the upcomung space unit. It was not possible to take photos inside because of the low light level but please visit the website to find out more. |
Unit WC 18.11.24 Maya Experience Workshop On Monday, we had an incredible day filled with fun and interesting activities. We have expanded our knowledge of the mighty, ancient Maya civilasation, while having fun. Simon, our guide for the day, proved to be extremely knowledgeable and answerd numerous questions about Mayans and the part of the world where they lived.
Science WC 11.11.24 |
Anti-Bullying Week 2024 The Anti-Bullying Week is taking place from Monday 11th to Friday 15th November, with the theme : Choose Respect. On Tuesday we wore odd socks to remeber how unique and special we all are. As part of the week we also took part in an assembly discussing bullying and how to tackle it.
Topic WC 4.11.24
UNICEF week WC 28.10.24 This week we have succesfully researched, designed and made torches. Our target audience were children in Ukraine. We also talked about how children might be affected by y conflict and displacement linking this tothe Global Goal 16.
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DT Cooking WC 14.10.24 This week we cooked and tasted vegetarian burgers. Some of us liked them and some were not too keen.
Whole Class Reading WC 14.10.24 This week we look at poetry and we tried to identify different poetic features in a variety of poems. |
Science WC 7.10.24 |
Computing WC 30.9.24 This week we presented data from a database as charts. We had to decide what kind of chart would be the best to answer certain questions too.
Maths WC 23.9.24 |
Topic WC 23.9.24 |
Topic WC16.9.24 |
Science WC 2.9.24 This week in science we investigated air resistence. We were able to feel the result of it using an umbrella. |
PE WC 9.9.24 5KL continues with the swimming lessons and 5PB are enjoying developing the fundamental movements. Both classes are also learning the basics skills needed for playing tennis. It is a lot of fun.