Welcome to Year 5

Welcome back to a new school year. We have a very exciting time coming up for you this year!

Please remember to bring your bookbag each day, with your reading book inside. Please also remember a named water bottle. As you know we go swimming in Year 5. Please remember that we walk to the Leisure Centre whatever the weather so please make sure that you look at the forecast for the day and make sure that you have a coat and appropriate footwear to walk in. Hats, scarves and gloves will definitely be needed for the colder months!

5KL will be swimming on Mondays for the first half of the school year. 5KL will also have indoor P.E. on Thursdays so please come to school in your P.E. uniform on those days.

5PB will not be swimming until the second half of the school year. 5PB will have outdoor P.E. on Mondays and indoor P.E. on Thursdays so please come to school in your P.E uniform on those days. Please ensure you have warm clothes and suitable shoes for outdoor P.E. sessions.

Homework Grids

Surfin' USA

Marvellous Mayans

Starry, Starry Night

A Tudor Dynasty

Unit Pathways

Surfin' USA

Marvellous Mayans

Starry, Starry Night

A Tudor Dynasty

Alan Peat Sentences

Please refer to the attachment below and use the different types of sentences to enhance your writing.

Alan Peat Sentences

Year 5 Reading Spine

Regular reading is so important. Please have a look at the Year 5 Reading Spine which shows you some of the books and authors recommended for Year 5 readers. Many of these books will be available at our school library. If not, you may be able to borrow them from Loughborough Library.

Reading Spine Checklist Year 5