Welcome to Year 6

Please remember to bring your bookbag each day, with your reading book inside, we have the opportunity to change our library books every week - our designated day is a Thursday. Please bring a healthy snack for playtime and please also remember a named water bottle.

PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Remember to come into school already wearing your P.E. kit.

Parent Workshop presentation - Key information

Year 6 parent information presentation

Mrs Rixon-Fox, Mr. Wicks, Miss Begum, Mrs Pathania


A reminder SATS week is 13 - 16 May inclusive. All children will be invited in early for breakfast ready to start the day and excel in their exams. 

Unit of Study Pathways

WW2: Their Finest Hour

Our Learning:

Micro:bits  10.6.24

We were lucky enough to receive a free class set of BBC Micro:bits. These are part of the computing curriculum we follow - Teach computing. They offer another device for children to apply their coding skills to. The software they use is very similar to Scratch, so the children are not too baffled by it. In the first lesson, we looked at what all the parts of a Micro:Bit are as well as coding it to produce an image and text. We used the forever loop as well as some input coding blocks. The children loved being able to apply their coding knowledge to a different area.


Zorbing 03.05.24

Both classes had a fabulous opportunity to trial zorbing on the school field today. All the children had fantastic fun climbing into the zorbing balls and running at each other! It was a great test of resilience and competitiveness by all.


DT 25.4.24

As part of our DT unit of learning, the children are being asked to plan, design and build a fairground ride for Loughborough fair. It needs to incorporate movement via gears, levers or pulleys. Due to this, today, we had an 'explore' lesson where the children were able to try and create a mechanism that would create movement. They had lots of parts of K'Nex, motors, batteries, string and elastic bands to try and create a moving mechanism. The children loved being able to freely explore this in preperation for designing their ride.


PE Kabaddi 19.04.24

In PE this week, as part of our 'Sports around the World' unit we have been learning about the sport Kabaddi. The children have really enjoyed having a go at a different sport and using the skills from across the year so far applied into something new. They particularly enjoyed the game of bib chase where they had to work as a team to prevent the attacker from stealing the bib. It was lovely to see the joy this new sport brought to them - we've enjoyed watching some snippets of the professionals playing too. 


P.E Cricket 15.4.24

Our new P.E unit for this half of the summer term is cricket which we started this week. Our main objective was to learn how to bowl accurately using an overarm throw. Partnering up, we practised our cricket bowl while focussing on our technique and standing side on. We learnt the importance of ensuring our throwing arm brushes past our ear in order to help us bowl in a straight line as well as standing correctly. Some of us found this challenging, especially with rotating our arm fully, while others were able to increase the distance between our partner. We will continue to focus on this skill next week to help us progress and move on to learning how to hit the ball consistently.


UNICEF Week 8.4.24

This week we have been delving into what UNICEF is and do. Our focus has been on displaced children and what happens to them, their rights amongst other things as well. We found out which countries had the highest proportion of displaced people, why they were displaced and where they go to when displaced. We looked at refugee camps, what a refugee is as well as an asylum seeker. This led to our DT outcome. Creating a mitten for a refugee child. It had to be warm and visually appealing. To do this we learnt various sewing stitches and practised others from previous years. We also conducted a science experiment to find out which material would be best to use as an insulator. Overall, we had a fun and interesting time learning about other people and organisations, putting out lives into perspective.


Week commencing 4.3.24

Lots of learning has happened this week. We are gearing up with our revision in preperation for the SATS tests. On top of this, we have been continuing our art unit of learning. This week we focussed on surrealism art. We used our oracy skills to discuss, in depth, the art work. The children debated whether statements like 'this isn't art' were true or not. This then culminated into the children trying their hand at creating their own piece of surrealism art. They chose 3 'objects' from a hat and had to put them together to create their surrealist piece of art. Thursday saw Worl Book Day. Lots of children joined in with dressing up. A big thank you to parents and carers as some of the costumes must have taken awhile to make. We watched the BBC live lesson and followed a Rob Biddulph youtube video on illustration. 

To top this all off, Mr Robinson, the assistant headteacher from Limehurst, brought the winning 3D model in. They kindly printed it for us to show the children what a finished product would look like.


It's all about perspective: cubism art 14.02.24

As part of our learning on the cubism art movement, we have explored a range of different bird's-eye view skyscraper skylines. Using these as inspiration, we created our own bird's-eye skyscrapers using 1 point perspective. Then, we created our background to represent land and sea using geometric shapes. Our finished pieces look great!


Warning Zone 07.01.24

We had a wonderful day at Warning Zone this week learning about how to keep ourselves safe in both the outside world and the online world. The children retained some really key pieces of information and were able to make safe decisions in a range of challenging environments. The children were commended by the staff on how well behaved they were and thus, as ever, a wonderful representation of Rendell. 

P.E 26.01.24

We have been honing our hockey skills for the past 5 weeks. Today saw us practising our dribbling through obstacles, which required us to twist the stick to help with control. We progressed on to dribbling and shooting at a target with the push pass. This then evolved into passing, moving, recieving a pass back and then shooting. 


Computing 19.01.24

This week, in computing, the children have been investigation more of the tools in the Tinkercad programme which is a webapp for 3D design. The children are really growing in confidence in how to use the different features and exploring making changes to what they create on the workplane by using the various handles. Here are some examples of where the children have created 3D shapes to specific dimensions as well as having created a cylinder with a hole in it by grouping two shapes together. 


Art 11.1.24

The children have had a wonderful first week back, settling back into routines well. As part of our Greek unit the children have been looking at Ancient Greek sculptures and architecture. The children experimented with different brush strokes using a range of paintbrushes for effect before creating their own Greek landscape pictures featuring a Greek sculpture. The children experiemented how they could create different outcomes using the variety of brushes including filbert, fan and pointed brushes. 

Christmas Week 18.12.23

The children have thoroughly enjoyed the final week of term, from the wonderful singing at the Church on Tuesday where the children retold the story of the Christmas Truce in WW1 to creating lever cards, simple circuit light-up cards, using our computing skills to create Pixel art and not forgetting 'Cafe Renz' at the Christmas Fair whereby all children had the opportunity to bake and decorate biscuits for sale. The children have had a very busy week which they've been able to explore some different skillsets and engage in creative tasks. We hope the children have a very well earnt rest over the holiday period and enjoy some time at home. Seasons greetings from all of the Year 6 team. 


English 4.12.23

In English this week, we have started a new novel called 'Wonder.' We have only explored the first chapter where we met our main character, August, who appears to be extra 'ordinary.' Using the information we've learnt so far about him, we created our own ballads and used poetic features. 


Science 30.11.23

This was the last lesson in our science unit of electricity. We had to use the knowledge we had gained over the past few weeks to build a working wire game with buzzer - a bit like 'Operation'. We used our knowledge of conductors and insulators to help us. We created varying designs for our wire game and had fun whilst learning!


History 21.11.23
This week, we delved into the Battle of Marathon (a significant event that halted the Persian invasion of Greece) to understand key people and the events that led up to it. The children created a comic book strip to help describe and understand this.

History 16.11.23

Today, we placed Ancient Greece on a timeline. We looked at where it sat in accordance with other periods of history and then looked at 5 specific periods within that. The children had to order these correctly and then place certain 'events' that happened in each of these. For example, when the parthenon was built.


P.E. Rugby & Gymnastics 3.11.23

In Rugby, we are continusing to practise our backwards passing, drop passeses and this week have added the skill of try-scoring. We also have enjoyed a few attempts at some kicking!


In Gymnastics, we are refining how to tense our core and other muscles to enable us to hold balances for a longer period of time. We are also learning and refining a variety of balances. This included working in pairs to hold these.


Henry Moore and Paul Nash Finished Pieces 27.10.23

Take a look at our fabulous final outcomes of artwork. We used inspiration from Henry Moore and Paul Nash to create a final piece. 


Henry Moore and Paul Nash art practise 24.10.23

Today, we looked at 2 different war artists, how they differ and the techniques they used. Henry Moore focussed on life in Britain during the war and tried to depict the hardships of the people. Paul Nash focussed more on action of the war and battles, also using more vibrant colours and the medium of water colours. The children practised both artists techniques using one of their pictures as a stimulus. The focus was on practise not a final product.


Kip in A Ship

Wow, what a trip, The weather was on our side and so was the traffic! The children had an absolutely amazing experience. Seeing all the WW2 relics will really enhance their learning and curiosity of the subject. Please find photos of the trip below.

World War 2 - Propaganda - 26.9.23

We delved into what propaganda was and how it was used in the war - for both evil and good reasons. We looked at the different themes involved within it: women joining the war effort, growing your own to name a few. The children were tasked with creating their own poster using a slogan.


Clay Sculpting


Science - Animals including Humans - 6.10.23

This week, we conducted an investigation to develop our understanding of how the body absorbs nutrients from the blood. We discovered the terms osmosis and diffusion. In our experiement we placed gummy bears into different liquids to explore how substances moved through water and what impact this had on the gummy bear. 


Science - Animals including humans - 21.9.23

Following on from our investigation, we looked at blood and what is actually inside it. We learnt about red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma and what their individual functions are. To finish off we created a pie chart to show how much of each is in our blood.


Science - Animals including humans


English - Diary Entry - 14.9.23

In our English, we have been reading and analysing the book 'Rose Blanche'. It shows the war from the perspective of an empathetic German girl living in Germany. We used a part of the book to create a diary entry. Before this, we looked at the figurative language in the book and created our own and explored the differing emotions the character Rose would have had. Here are some examples of the end outcome.


Victory Show Trip 2023

We had a fabulous day on our trip to the Leicester Victory Show. The show provided Historical Societies and re-enactments through various forces, from several eras and theatres during the period of 1939-45. From Airmen to Infantry, the Victory Show opened a window in time to the fabulous 1940's. The children throughly enjoyed first-hand experience of what it could have been like during the period in time, being able to watch the volunteers use weaponry from the period as well as getting to hold some of these pieces themselves. There was lots of enquiry throughout the day which has acted as great start to our unit of learning. 


Online Safety Advice For Parents

Please download and follow the links for some online safety tips.

Childline Message

It is a difficult time at the moment and it is natural to feel anxious or upset about Coronavirus, especially as our normal routines have changed. Childline is a helpful website that you can access 24 hours a day. There is plenty of support and advice avaliable on www.childline.org.uk

If you feel you need to speak to a counsellor, you can call Childine on 0800 1111 from 9am - midnight. 

Health For Kids Kit

Download this wonderful booklet for some top tips and advice on how to stay healthy- both physically and emotionally.

There is information on:

  • Staying healthy
  • Handling your emotions
  • Saying goodbye to your worries 
  • Staying connected 
  • Things to do

Alan Peat Sentences

Download our Alan Peat sentences to help you include them within your writing. Try to use ones you are least familiar with and look carefully at the punctuation required for each sentence type.